Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quilt Poem

This was in the Fons & Porter newletter thought I'd share:

The fabric of our vision submitted by Jane Adams.

Quilting is a way of life, not just a hobby.Those of you who have not had the joy of the experience,Have not seen what I see in the world around me.I see quilts everywhere, just waiting to be enjoyed.Not the fabric kind, but the living, breathing happenings in my life.I see friends in need, friends indeed, friends with no borders.Some have yet to be discovered by needle and thread.Flowers, trees, people, weed gardens, urban sprawl and hidden treasures,Beg to be shared with all who take the time to stop and look.The sheer joy of creating something out of a few swatches of cotton color,Makes me happy when someone else sees what I found to be so lovely.Even if you only quilt in your mind, you share the passion that we quilt-makersEnjoy by connecting all those beautiful sights into one elegant coverlet,To be marveled by all those who pass and desire to touch the fabric of our vision.